Module 8: Using Dynagraphs to Explore Functions

This module uses an alternative representation of function, the dynagraph, to explore key characteristics of functions and function families. Teachers will examine students using dynagraphs on two mathematical tasks. Through noticing students’ work on these tasks, teachers will consider the affordances and constraints of these different representations of functions, including how they highlight key characteristics of function families. In addition, to build on teachers noticing and their orchestration of the five practices, this module includes opportunities to anticipate, notice, sequence, and connect students’ thinking.

This module could be used alongside two Chapters from Teaching Algebra materials:

Chapter 5: Rate of change, and
Chapter 7: Function Families.

For more details see the Module Overview document.

Two students working with Dynagraph in GeoGebra

How to Read a Module Overview Document

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Module Elements

8.1 Which One Doesn’t Belong?

Teachers will engage with a two-part activity that has them engage with a static and dynamic Which One Doesn’t Belong task, and then compare their reasoning across both.

8.2 Examining Student Thinking about Static vs. Dynamic Representations of Functions: Which One Doesn’t Belong?

Teachers will engage in noticing students’ thinking, comparing and contrasting the ways the students reason about different representations of function.

8.3 Matching Functions to their Dynagraph

Teachers will engage with a GeoGebra activity in which they match a series of functions to their dynagraph representations.

8.4 Deciding How to Respond: Matching Functions to their Dynagraph

Teachers will engage in noticing 3 pairs of students reasoning about functions and their dynagraphs and practice facilitating a whole class discussion.

Last modified: Tuesday, September 12, 2023, 4:54 AM