Topic outline

  • Preparing to Teach Mathematics with PTMT LogoTechnology

    Since 2005, the Preparing to Teach Mathematics with Technology (PTMT) project has been funded by the National Science Foundation to develop research-based materials for mathematics teacher education focused on using technology tools for teaching major topics in middle and secondary mathematics in Algebra, Statistics, and Geometry. The PTMT team has produced high-quality materials, all available for free, that have been used to prepare over 8,000 teachers to use technology in their mathematics classrooms.

    PTMT materials are based on research on teaching and learning and have been iteratively revised based on empirical studies with teachers. For more information read our research-based Guiding Framework (PDF).

    In 2018, the PTMT project expanded to focus on Examining Students’ Practices with technology. PTMT-ESP is a five-year cross-institutional project that will develop and examine the effectiveness of video case modules aligned with the Algebra materials--to be released in 2021-2023. 

    For more information about our project, please visit our website at:

    Principal Investigators on PTMT projects since 2005: Dr. Hollylynne Lee, Dr. Karen Hollebrands, Dr. Allison McCulloch, Dr. Jennifer Lovett, and Dr. Charity Cayton

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