Unit 1: Thinking Differently about Student Learning
Participants will further their thinking about learning differences and the "myth of average" among their students. Educators will begin to develop and apply learning differences teaching competencies that will support student learning. The essential questions for this unit are:
- What are learning differences?
- How does thinking about students' learning differences affect teaching practice?
- What are the benefits of focusing on students' strengths rather than weaknesses? What are the challenges of this approach?
Unit 2: Executive Function
This unit establishes a basic understanding of executive functioning skills by explaining what they are and how they impact student learning. The essential questions are:
- What are executive functioning skills and how do they affect student learning?
- How can teachers develop students' executive functioning skills in classrooms?
- Which strategies or solutions related to executive functions best meet students' needs?
Unit 3: Organize and Prioritize
This unit focuses on the impact of a student’s ability to organize and prioritize tasks on learning and behavior in classrooms. Participants will learn and apply strategies to better foster student organization and prioritization. The essential questions are:
- What does it mean to organize and prioritize tasks?
- How can teachers help students with this competency?
- Which strategies or solutions related to prioritizing and organizing best meet students' needs?
Unit 4: Working Memory
This unit focuses on the impact of working memory on student learning and behavior in classrooms. Participants will learn and apply strategies to better support students' working memories. The essential questions are:
- What is working memory and how does it affect student learning?
- How can teachers support students who struggle with working memory or leverage students with strong working memory?
- Which strategies or solutions related to working memory best meet students' needs?
Unit 5: Reflection of Learning
The purpose of this unit is to get participants thinking about the complexities and relatedness of learning differences. Then, participants will hone their skills to identify how to leverage a student's learning profile to best support him or her. We have referenced this as being a "learning scientist" throughout the course. The essential questions for this unit are:
- How do the constructs of learning work together to build a complex understanding of each student?
- How can educators collect student data to select and implement strategies to support individual student needs?