Anatomy of a Great (Reality) Relationship

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Last week I was offering up some serious hate towards Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries. No one likes a Negative Nancy, so this week I will shower love and praise upon one of my favorite couples. They are the stars of a reality TV show, but you can tell their love is not scripted. I have a feeling they will break the reality TV show curse that ended the marriages of couples such as Nick and Jessica, Carmen Electra and Dave Navaro, Russell and Kimora and more. I’m talking about Giuliana and Bill Rancic.

If you’ve watched “Giuliana and Bill”, you are familiar with these two cuties. Each equally hot and talented in his/her own way, Giuliana and Bill balance each other out perfectly. They are supportive. They tough it out through medical struggles. They deal with crazy schedules. They have many houses in short amounts of time. They put each other as priority numero uno. They laugh together. She calls him “Rancic”. I  just can’t get enough.

Take out the reality TV show, and Giuliana and Bill are just like any other great couple. Their relationship is like an anatomy lesson that you can learn from. Here’s why Giuliana and Bill work so well:

They are truly, honestly proud of each other

G and B both work crazy schedules, which is made clear when you watch what a typical week looks like for them. Despite the non-stop craziness, you see Bill at Giuliana’s appearances. Giuliana always tweets about Bill’s projects. They promote each other and support each other. This is hugely important. When you’re young and trying to grow your own career, it can be easy to forget to cheer on this person who means a lot to you. You’re trying so hard to get a promotion (or maybe even get a full-time job) that it’s hard to think about anything else. But it’s so important to be completely, 100% proud and supportive of your partner. Even if he/she loves and cares about something that makes no sense to you, embrace it, learn all you can about it, and be proud of him/her when something good happens. This can be tricky in post-college life when your partner may have it all figured out, and you’re still trying to get a handle on yourself. It’s okay. Good things for your partner mean good things for you too.

They laugh during tough times

It’s stressful enough balancing two careers and the constant presence of cameras, I’d imagine. But it’s probably nearly impossible to deal with those factors as well as the medical issues G and B have been encountering. They’ve been faced with infertility struggles and Giuliana’s breast cancer. I give these two serious credit. If I were in that situation I don’t know if I could remain so cool, calm and collected. They laugh and joke around whether they’re at home or in the hospital. Bill makes Giuliana smile when she is upset. There are definitely serious moments too, but they lean on each other and don’t take everything so seriously. He helps diffuse her sadness and stress. She does the same for him when he gets tense about working, the various living situations they have going on, etc. Stressful situations are a huge test for your relationship. If you’re able to get through them without blowing up at each other, that’s great. If you’re able to get through them with a few laughs, that’s even better. When one person is feeling weak, the other needs to be able to keep it together. And vice versa.

They’re individuals and a tight unit at the same time

Giuliana and Bill have distinctly separate careers. They each have projects going on that don’t involve the other. They travel a lot. They are complete individuals and could probably survive on their own. But they also work on projects together and always have common ground. Being too clingy and dependent on your partner is a recipe for disaster. But the other end of the spectrum can be dangerous too. You don’t want to be so independent that you’re living a full life without your guy. You should each have your own hobbies and interests, yet you should also have things you do together. Maybe you don’t open a restaurant together like Giuliana and Bill, but find hobbies that you enjoy doing as a couple. Find places that you love to visit together. That way you have your own life outside of the relationship, but you will always have common ground and a strong bond.

They have the same values

Okay, I don’t know G and B (though I feel like I do sometimes) but it’s clear they value the same things. Their relationship is extremely important. So is family and work. They’re on the same page about what matters to them, and can therefore find ways to put emphasis on these things. It makes it easier to feel satisfied and fulfilled when you and your partner are on the same page. If he wants to work all the time and you think work comes last, then you’re going to clash. But if you both place importance on working hard, you’re on the same page and will have an easier time making decisions and understanding each other.

They have chemistry

Plain and simple. They think the other is hot and great and fun. Can’t fake it and it’s so important.

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