Innovation Bootcamp



Innovation Boot Camp @ FI 2015

This year's theme is Back to the Future. This iconic film pictured the future of 2015 with flying cars -- and while we may not have those, our world has grown by leaps and bounds thanks to technological and digital innovations. We are inviting you, our Boot Camp participants to 1) Jump in the DeLoreans toward Global Learning; 2) Activate their FLUX Capacitors for Social Media; and, #) Get on their Hover Boards for Flipped Learning!

The Friday Institute of Educational Innovations' Professional Learning and Leading Collaborative (PL2C) has hosted the Leading and Learning Summer Institute or "Boot Camp" since 2008 to support the growing need for rigorous and on the ground professional development needed for educators implementing digital learning in their schools and districts. This unique training emphasizes that technology is not the driving force of digital initiatives, but rather a deep understanding of the intersection of curricular standards and sound pedagogy through the use of content-specific and appropriate technology resources and applications.

Looking at STNA Constructs of Boot Camp

*Students work on technology-enhanced projects that approach real-world applications of technology(Global & Flipped).

*Students use technology to access online resources and information as a part of classroom activities(Global, Flipped & Social Media).

*Students use technology during the school day to communicate and collaborate with others, beyond the classroom(Global & Social Media).

Boot Camp Learning Goals

  • Experience, understand & apply student-centered pedagogy that can be made rigorous, differentiated using project, problem or inquiry based approaches (attitude & skills*)

  • Increase both the technical knowledge and the technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) of educators around one of the 3 Learning Strands (behavior)

  • DIFFERENTIATE technical content & concepts appropriate for all learning profiles (attitude & PROVIDE opportunities for hands-on, global and connected learning.

  • ALIGN teaching practices with ISTE Standards for Teachers - (behavior & skills)

* These represent “Levels of Learning Outcomes” from Guskey adapted from | Guskey, T. R. (2000a). Evaluating professional development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

About Us

As part of the Friday Institute, the Professional Learning and Leading Collaborative promotes pedagogical shifts in digital learning environments in order to inspire, innovate and educate. We engage educators at all levels to provide innovative models and approaches for strategic planning, coaching, and professional development with the belief that students deserve access to equitable, personalized learning experiences. We support educators in adaptive student-centered approaches to provide concrete, quality, purposeful, reflective practices supported through technology. Meet the Team